Join us sundays at 10AM

Tragedy in our Country

Church Family,

We continue to watch great evil, injustice, hatred, and bloodshed before our very eyes. We have witnessed via video the killing of two black men killed by police officers in Baton Rouge and Falcon Heights. And now, our eyes have witnessed the evil ambush of police officers in Dallas leading to more death and injury. As God's people, it is good and necessary that we really grieve over these events that have impacted real lives and families. But it is critical that our grief drive us to our knees in earnest, desperate, faith-filled, Bible-informed prayer to our God and Savior.

Please take time today to humble yourself before God and His Word and ask Him to show you His heart and His thoughts BEFORE you speak and act in your own human wisdom and strength. Let your humility before God help to cultivate your humility before others as you seek to listen and learn from others -- especially those who might have a different perspective or history than you.

We must also rise up from our times of prayer and display our unity in Christ as brothers and sisters of all colors before a nation that is so disunited. Let us cry out to the one who not only hears our cries, but is our great help in time of need.

Please, let's come together this Sunday at 10am so we can stand united together in prayer!

See you Sunday!
Pastor Matt