Join us sundays at 10AM

We exist to glorify God by making disciples of all peoples with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.


It’s so easy for Christians to lose their focus and to feel uninspired, believing that there is nothing exciting to aim for in life. Over time our love for Jesus can become cold and our involvement in the church can become cynical, lethargic, and lacking a sense of purpose and direction. We get bored. Before you know it, we are just going through the Christian motions week after week. Do you ever feel that way? Beginning Feb. 2 at 10am at Grace Community, Pastor Matt Smith will launch a brand new 5-week sermon series that you don’t want to miss entitled: AWAKEN: To Christ & His Mission. Together, we will look to the Bible to discover what it means to abide in Christ, to love like Christ, and to be on mission with Christ. AWAKEN is more than just the title of this new sermon series, it’s a call from Christ to His church to come alive and to live life on mission. Invite a friend and join us!

March 2, 2014

Greed, Worry, or Christ

Speaker: Matt Smith Series: Awaken Topic: Awaken Passage: Luke 12:13–12:24

February 23, 2014

Our Marching Orders

Speaker: Matt Smith Series: Awaken Topic: Awaken Passage: Matthew 28:1–28:20

February 16, 2014

The Real Lord's Prayer

Speaker: Matt Smith Series: Awaken Topic: Awaken Passage: John 17:1–17:26

February 9, 2014

Bible Delights

Speaker: Matt Smith Series: Awaken Topic: Awaken Passage: Psalm 119–119

February 2, 2014

Our Organic Union

Speaker: Matt Smith Series: Awaken Topic: Awaken Passage: John 15:1–15:11